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How to Stop Overspending: Ultimate Guide

Before I discuss on ‘how to stop overspending,’ I want to shed light on the effects of overspending on your financial status and the obvious signs of overspending.

Over-spending is one of the biggest causes of financial instability. When you overspend, you are putting yourself at risk of falling into debt. Not only this, it can have several negative effects on your financial status.

If you are not careful enough about your spending, it can put you in serious debt. It can ruin your credit score, make it tough for you to get approval for any loans in the future.

If you don’t keep a check on your spending habits, eventually it will leave you dry financially and make your life troublesome.

Thus, with the multiple negative effects of overspending, you can understand how important it is to control your buying impulses and stop spending money uselessly on things.

It’s important to take an optimistic approach to change your spending habits and save yourself from any financial trouble.

Now, before I discuss the effective steps on how to stop overspending, it’s crucial to identify when you are slipping into the territory of overspending.

Often you won’t even guess when you end up spending more consistently. Especially if you are someone who loves shopping and don’t think much about budgeting or securing your future financially.

If you have figured out that you are spending more each month and you have to get it under control, let’s us first understand the probable signs of overspending.

how to stop overspending

Warning Signs of Overspending –

You have no budget

If you’re overspending, it’s important to take steps to correct the problem. And, when we talk about the warning signs, certainly having no budget signals to the issue of spending more.

By now, you have understood how important budgeting is to manage your finances.

It can help you to track your income and expenses so you can make informed decisions about how to best use your money.

Overspending can happen when you live beyond your means, such as buying things you can’t afford. Still, you are buying them on credit without thinking about your income status.

When you create a budget in a spreadsheet or in any digital format, you are adding your income, expenses and bills. While tracking your expenses, if you see, you regularly exceeding your budget and spending more on the things that are not your need – that’s a clear sign you are living beyond your means.

budgeting money

You have no savings

A very obvious sign to determine that you are overspending when you have no savings. You are spending more than your earning.

As you are spending more, you don’t have enough money left to set aside for savings. Ideally, you should have saved money for your emergency fund and for your future.

But if you don’t see much in your account each month, be sure to check with all your transactions.

Look at your spending and see where you can cut back. There’s no need to live a life of luxury – you can still have all the things you want.

But saving is extremely important for an individual.

If you don’t see that happen, it’s an obvious sign that you are overspending and you have to work on your budget.

money to save

Your credit score is low

If your credit score is below low, it’s a good idea to take a close look at your spending habits. You may overspend on unnecessary items or services, which is causing you to fall behind on your bills.

A low credit score often signals to the creditors that you are a high-risk borrower. There are ways by which you can improve your credit score quickly. You will need to work on building up your savings by limiting your spending.

You must know how to save money using a credit card.

credit card score

You are not putting any money for retirement

A recent study found that nearly one-third of Americans have nothing saved for retirement, and another third have less than $10,000 saved. This is an alarmingly low amount.

One of the biggest reasons to save for retirement early is to avoid the risk of outliving your savings. If you start saving late, you’ll have less time to make up for any shortfalls in your savings. But, I say, still it is better than not to save for retirement.

Even if you are no longer working, you will have expenses, such as housing, food, medical and utilities. Having a retirement nest egg can help you cover these costs and give you a stress-free lifestyle.

If your income is good, still you are not able to save anything for your retirement, then there might be two reasons:

You do not have a concrete plan

You are overspending

Find out which one is the reason for you.

money saving

You are spending more than what you are earning

If you perpetually spend more than what you are earning, it is time to take a hard look at your spending habits. Because it is likely you have developed a habit of overspending.

When do people spend more?

Usually, people overspend when they don’t have a budget and they are clueless about their needs and wants.

Spending money

You are using a credit card too much

Credit card can be a useful financial tool if you know how to use it wisely.

Else, you must think twice before using it for every purchase. When you are using a credit card, you are literally taking out a loan, which you have to repay by the end of the month.

Now, imagine you have overspent and your income can not afford to pay what your credit bill is. Eventually this will lead to debt which if you cannot pay, the late fee charges keep on added up.

The cycle continues unless you pay the entire amount. Thus, it is crucial that you must not exceed your budget even if you are using your credit card consistently for every purchase.

You have to regularly monitor your transactions and always stick to the budget for every household’s expense.

Note: I always prefer to use cash over any card, be it credit or debit.

credit card

You have no money left in your salary account by the end of the month

If you find that you have no money left in your salary account by the end of the month, it is a signal that you are overspending.

This can be a difficult habit to break, but it is important to do so to get your finances back on track.

Even before you reach to that extent, consider rectifying your financial habit.

It is commonly seen among the young generation when they first start their career and getting the first salary is an excitement.

They want to spend the money as they wish. Sometimes, this backfires when they end up with a zero balance in their account.

Enjoy and spend money in doing whatever but have a budget in mind. Let’s not your ‘wants’ wipe out your hard-earned money.

You are borrowing money from friends or family to pay for expense

It is embarrassing when you have to borrow money from your friends and family to meet up with your needs. Why?

Because either you are in debt. Or, you have no savings left as you have spent it all.

Whatever the reason, if you borrow money to cover expenses, take your financial condition seriously.

How long can you survive by borrowing money from others?

You need to have a plan and sort out your overspending habit.

If you can not focus or find anything, seek help from a professional.

Thus, these are the signs of overspending. Now, after you identify with the signs of overspending, it’s time for you to know how to stop this habit of overspending. There are several ways to avoid the habit of spending more

money in wallet

In this blog post, I am going to share

7 ways to stop overspending/ how to stop overspending –

Set a budget & track your spending for a month

Like I always say, create a budget, keep tracking your expenses, see where you can curb your expenses and stick to the budget.

To avoid overspending and let your money grow, you must stick to your budget at all costs. This will prevent you from shopping unnecessarily.

For example, this month you have planned to go with the ‘no shopping month’ except for the needs like monthly groceries and vegetables.

The money you will save here can use at something else or save them.

Another example, while tracking your spending, you found that you have overspend in the bulk of grocery shopping this month. So, you have to do something to balance your money.

Create a budget for the next month where you will not buy an extra grocery item that you have already in your pantry. You will only buy fresh vegetables from the farmers’ market.

See how much can you save and compare this month’s saving with the last month. Evaluate the difference.


Identify your spending triggers

To stop overspending, you must identify what triggers your buying impulse.

For example, do you buy more when you are stressed? Do you buy more when you are out on a shopping with your friends?

Sometimes, we shop if we are upset or stressed and buying something makes us feel good. This is a psychological thing.

Often the spending triggers if your lifestyle is erratic.

For example, if you grew up in a lower middle-class family, you know how to live in a tight budget and you will never overspend.

Whereas, if you grew up in a family where money was never an issue, your lifestyle will trigger to spend more money.

Thus, once you have identified what triggers you to spend more money, you can try to remove those triggers. Eventually, you will be able to control your spending habits.

Develop a plan to change your behaviour

Now that you know what makes you to spend more money and your habit of overspending may lead to financial instability, you need to develop a plan to change your spending behavioural pattern.

Start working on creating a budget, make a list of wants and needs, and try to control your buying impulses.

Look for yourself how you can bring a positive change to your spending pattern.

Limit the use of credit card

When shopping online, there is no greater joy and convenience in using a credit card. It is quick and easy to pay. But most of the credit card users forget to use it responsibly and end up in debt.

If you use a credit card extensively for everything, the credit card bill may get difficult to pay off and the interest charges will keep on adding up to the ever-growing monthly credit card payment.

To avoid overspending, you just need to switch to cash only payment.

It is a way wiser plan to stick to because, when your money runs out, you are done with spending money.

Carry cash and pay cash everywhere. It is also beneficial as it helps you keep on with your budget track.

Try making a habit of regularly checking your credit card account balance. So that when you see a spike in the spending, you will know when to stop.

use of credit card

Uninstall all your online shopping app

Shopping is one of the many things where we spend a considerable amount of money each month. Online shopping these days has become easier. In just a few clicks, you can get a product delivered at your doorstep.

People are relying more on online shopping. But sometimes you lose track of your spending limit and purchase things on impulse buying.

For example, for a long time, you wanted to buy a smartwatch. However, you already have 2 watches and you don’t need a smartwatch.

While checking the online shopping app, you found a sale going on and there is a 20% discount on the watch you want. It triggers your shopping spree, and you bought the product within a minute.

If you hadn’t had the app installed, you wouldn’t have bought it.

Thus, all these online shopping apps lead to overspending for them who can’t control their impulses.

But you can by uninstalling all the apps and keep your phone clean.

I can proudly say this about myself, that there is not a single shopping app installed on my phone.


Set multiple short-term financial goals

For an overspender, it is always ‘I have to buy it now,’ they never wait and think twice about their finances.

Especially, when you have a credit card, you get the license to buy whenever you want without thinking about what serious reflection it might have in the future.

But you can stop your habit of spending more by motivating yourself to save and attain several short-term goals.  

For example, make a target of saving $1000 in your emergency fund for this month. Or, set a financial goal of saving at least 20% of your income each month no matter of what.

Goals help you focus on fulfilling your target. They can also be a challenge. So, whenever you achieve one small goal, give yourself a small reward that will bring you more happiness.

keeping track of money

Reduce spending on food and entertainment

If you are serious about stopping overspending your money, stop eating outside and start cooking your meals at home. Every time you eat outside, certainly it is saving you time, and it’s convenient, but in the long run you are spending more.

While you can save a decent amount of money by cooking your own meals at home. You can save money on groceries by shopping responsibly and frugally.

Buy more local fresh vegetables. Ditch brands and try more local produce as they are considerably cheaper in price.

Plan out your weekly meal and stock your fridge and pantry accordingly. Rely more on the low-cost recipes that require fewer ingredients.

Thus, when your requirement is less, you will likely to spend less.

Similarly, consider unsubscribing to channels that you no longer use. Stick with just one or two digital channels, which you enjoy more. Switch your entertainment options to organic.

For example, play indoor games instead of video games. Play frisbee in the open instead of sit in the sofa and watch sitcom for hours.

Review your progress regularly

Last but not the least, you must review your progress regularly and keep a track of your spending habits.

It won’t get better in a day. It will take time and patience to avoid overspending once and for all.

Look for the gaps where you are likely to spend more and which triggers you to spend more money. Eliminate those and shift your focus to something more productive.

man counting cash

How to stay motivated to control my spendings and avoid falling back into old habits?

Staying motivated to control your spending over the long term requires ongoing effort and commitment. Ask yourself why are you controlling your spending habits, start tracking your financial progress regularly. Keeping track of your expenses and savings cab help you see how you’re progressing toward your financial goals. If they are under your control and you can forsee your financial goals are acheivable this itself will be a motivated factor.

No matter how small your accomplishments may seem, it’s important to acknowledge them. For example, if you pay off a credit card balance or save a certain amount of money, reward yourself with a small treat, like a favorite snack or activity. Celebrating your successes can help you stay motivated and reinforce the importance of your financial goals.

Educating yourself about personal finance and investing can also help you stay motivated and informed about your financial goals. Read books, attend workshops or webinars, or take an online course to improve your financial literacy. The more you know about personal finance, the more empowered you will feel to make smart financial decisions.

If you have the internet, you can get access to so many resources that will give you personal finance literacy. You won’t even have to spend money for this, all you need is to give time.

Another way to get motivated is by visualizing your goals. Imagine yourself achieving your financial goals, such as paying off debt, saving for a big purchase. You can create a vision board or write down your goals to remind yourself why you’re making these changes. Visualization can help you stay focused on your goals and inspire you to keep working toward them. Stay flexible and adapt to new challenges that may come in the way.

Lastly, surround yourself with supportive people who share your financial goals and can offer encouragement when you need it. You may also think of joining a support group or seeking the advice of a financial counselor can provide additional guidance and accountability.

Last words –

The urge to swipe your card will always be there, but you have to prioritize. Reform your bad habits. Yes, it will take some time, but it’s worth trying.

Set goals, focus on what’s important, swap your bad habit with a good one and understand if you could stop overspending your money, you will be able to take your financial status to the next level.

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