Save Money

How to Save Money On a Party

Are you having a party at your place and you are wondering how to save money on a party?

You could have any reason for throwing a party. It could be a graduation party, birthday party, wedding party or even a success party.

It’s no secret that parties can be expensive. Between the food, drinks, decorations, and entertainment, the costs can quickly add up.

If you’re looking to save money on your next party, there are a few simple things you can do to cut costs without sacrificing fun.

Things to Consider Before Throwing a Party

When throwing a party, there are a few things you will want to take into consideration in order to make it a success. 

The date and time of the party

You will need to pick a date and time that works for both you and your guests. 

The location of the party

This is important because you will need to ensure the venue is suitable for the type of party you are throwing. If you are having a large gathering, you will need to make sure the space can accommodate everyone comfortably.

When you want to cut down the cost, ensure you arrange a small party at your home. You could easily save the money you would have paid for the party hall.

The guest lists

Take some time to think about who you want to invite to the party. Make sure you invite people who will get along and who will enjoy spending time together.

Consider who do you want to invite and how many people can you accommodate when you have a tight budget.

The food and drink

What kind of food and drink will you serve at the party? Will you provide alcohol or will it be BYOB? Keep your guests’ preferences in mind while making your selections.

Keep all these factors in mind as you plan your party.

part at home

How to save money on a party

Focus on choosing your cost worthy venue

If you have a low party budget and a smaller guest list, you can turn your home into the ultimate party venue. You can shop online for all the party supplies or purchase from your nearby shop and get creative with your decor. 

You do not have to do everything all by yourself. Invite your friends before the party get started and ask them to accompany you for the party decoration.

If you are hosting a birthday party for yourself or your children, you would get all the birthday party readymade supplies online and get it delivered within a day or two. These products are pretty much hassle free to decorate and turn your little abode into a party hub.

Limit the Guest Lists

Assuming that you have already decided to have a smaller party. The guest list is one of the most important aspects of any party. It can be tempting to invite everyone, thinking you might offend them if not invited. But the important part is to keep in mind your budget.

Inviting more guest means arranging for more food and beverages and every other thing. Eventually, it will exceed your budget that you have fixed for the party.

Think again can you afford that?

The first way to limit the guest list is to only invite people who are close to you. This means that you will not invite co-workers, extended family, or casual friends. This will help to keep the guest list small and manageable. 

Think about what kind of party you want to have. If it’s a more intimate gathering, then a smaller guest list is probably best.

For example, you are hosting a bachelorette party where you will only invite your close friends with whom you hang out frequently and share a good bond.

Likewise, when you are throwing a birthday party, keep your guest list smaller by inviting only your close friends, siblings, and parents.

By being mindful of your guest list, you can easily keep costs under control. 

how to save money on a party

Save Money on Food on a party

Suppose you are hosting a birthday party and have invited 15 people. How will you limit your food cost?

At first, consider what kind of party is it?

Is it a birthday party or a graduation party or just a random weekend party?

The choices of food get differs as per party.

For example, if you are hosting a party for your friends, there will be more drinks and snacks.

If you are hosting a birthday party for your kid, you have to keep kid-friendly food items along with cake.

If you are hosting an office success party, you can keep some light food items along with some snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.

Thus, the cost of food for each type of party will vary.

Another one of the best ways to do is to host a potluck and ask your guest to bring something they cook the best.

For example, an XYZ person brought pasta salad and another friend of your brought chicken biryani to the party. Likewise, every person brings something on their own and ultimately the food will get shared by everyone at the party.

It is a great way to enjoy a party and share a lot of delicacies. Also, you will have plenty of food for everyone without having to spend a lot of money.

Quick Tips on Hosting a Graduation Party on a Budget

Graduation party does not need to be complicated. You could plan a simple party inviting over a few close friends at your house.

Even if you are a graduate, I am assuming you do not have enough cash to throw a big party. You would want to keep it low, just to celebrate the joyous moment of your life.

You can co-host the party with your best friend or roommate to share the costs.

You can either order pizza and beverages to keep it minimalist. Or, you can ask all your invited friends to bring some food and everyone can share them at the party.

A graduation party does not need to be decorative. You can use to decorate the house with whatever supplies you have at home. The party is about celebrating your being successfully graduated.

For beverages, you can use coupons for discounts. This can help you save a significant amount of money on items like invitations, balloons, and banners.

Utilize free or low-cost entertainment options. You can organize fun activities that will not cost a lot of money, such as watching graduation speeches online or playing fun games.

save money on graduation party

How much money is good for a graduation party?

There is no set amount of money that is considered “good” for a graduation party. It really depends on your budget and what you are hoping to accomplish with the party. If you are looking to have a very lavish affair, then you will need to spend more money.

However, if you are working with a tight budget, there are ways to still host a memorable and fun party. The most important thing is to be creative and resourceful with your planning.

For a budget-friendly graduation party, an amount of $50 per graduate will allow you to cover the cost of food, decorations, and other necessary party supplies. Of course, you can always spend less or more depending on your budget.

How much money to spend on a birthday party?

No matter how old you are, birthdays are a time to celebrate! Whether you are throwing a party for a 1-year-old or a 10-year-old, there are plenty of ways to stay within your budget.

The most important factor is the number of guests you will be inviting. A larger guest list means more food, decorations, and supplies will be needed, which can add up quickly. It is important to set a budget and stick to it as best as you can.

If you are looking to save money, you can consider the following tips –

One is to host the party at your own home rather than renting out a space.

Skip the elaborate decorations and sticking to simple streamers and balloons.

Avoid ordering expensive custom cakes or cupcakes and opt for an at-home cake or store-bought alternative instead.

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